
Please see below for our latest news stories from across the group - also for more news follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook.

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How We Are Developing the Best Sales Team in Our Sector

In the 26 years that DCS has been operating we have developed home grown sales talent through buddying and mentoring alongside recruiting experienced salespeople from other FMCG businesses. The formula has served us well. However, for the next phase of growth we knew it would be crucial to invest in embedding the role model DCS way of selling which reflects this Triple Win mentality.
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/ 15th March 2022

The Ins & Outs of Choosing the Right Laundry Range

The Laundry category is worth more than £1.4B in the UK market, which means it’s one of the most important for retailers to get right in store.
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DCS Gains Organic Certification from Soil Association

DCS is proud we now have gained Organic certification from the Soil Association. This is another step on our journey to help the environment and become a more sustainable business.
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/ 14th October 2021

DCS 10 years supported by Barclays

DCS recently celebrated our 10 year Anniversary supported by Barclays.
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/ 16th September 2021

DCS donates to the troops

Earlier this week DCS Group (UK) Ltd got the call from the Parachute Regiment who just returned from Kabul and had to isolate for a week in large hangars on basic food.
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/ 3rd September 2021

Freshening up the Booths Laundry range

The DCS Category & Insight team worked in partnership with Booths supermarkets to complete a full Laundry range review across their total estate of 28 stores.
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Thinking, talking, and transforming online.

It’s been said many times, by many people, and it’s so, so true. Winning is a team sport!
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Think differentiation - owning customer consciousness

Getting it right is more important than being first… right? In consumers’ minds, that’s not true. Consumers’ impressions are binary: there’s ‘number one’ and then there’s ‘everybody else’. Differentiation means owning consumer consciousness. Consciousness creates differentiation. Without it, you’re just everyone else…
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